Your new home is perfect, except for one small issue…you really wanted a fireplace element, and you don’t have that option. Whether your traditional home’s fireplace is no longer safe, or your modern home was built without one, there are options for you! What are alternatives to fireplaces which are available?
Many homes have a space for a central gathering area but might not have a fireplace. Gone are cheesy looking “fake” fireplaces of yore. Using alternative fuel sources, electric fireplaces not only work to heat a room, but have the visual of real flame, without the need for ventilation. Some are even wall mounted, for a very chic Mid Century Modern aesthetic! Most electric fireplaces are relatively inexpensive, and are an excellent option for people who love the look of a fireplace, but don’t want to rebuild a room. They have the bonus of not needing professional installation in many instances, except for the need for rewiring, depending on where they are to be.
A gas fireplace is a great option if your home was built for having fireplaces but they no longer are serviceable as a traditional wood burning fireplace for some reason. Simple installation can get them working once again! A gas fireplace not only adds physical warmth, but a coziness to the atmosphere of a room. They have a traditional log-fire look, and are very fuel efficient. They also are easy to insert into a standard fireplace front in most instances. You should make sure the fireplace is built to accommodate ventless gas logs before using them. They need professional installation, but last for decades and add to resale value of the home.
If you have a larger space and are considering the vintage look of a wood stove, a pellet stove might be a great option for your home. They are fuel efficient, give off good heat, and also use mostly recycled materials to create a real flame. They do, however, need ventilation, so you will need to address and search out what will make it possible to be safe for your space.
A fireplace style element can add a great deal to your beautiful home! Fire elements cause people to gather near them, and create coziness and peaceful feelings in those nearby. Your family and friends will be able to come safely near, soon, for parties and other gatherings, and having a beautiful fireplace in your home is a great gathering point.
If you are looking for a new home, let us help you!